President's Cabinet
President's Cabinet
The Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center President’s Cabinet consists of the provost, chief officers, vice presidents, and deans. The cabinet exists to advise the president on any subject the president may require relating to the duties of each member’s respective office or division; assign tasks to and consider recommendations from HSC councils; and serve as the approving body for university policies and institutional-wide matters.
The president chairs the cabinet, with the executive chief of staff acting as vice-chair. The assistant vice president for university strategy from the office of the president, serves as the cabinet secretary.
The cabinet meets regularly each month.
Members of the Cabinet
Lori Rice-Spearman, Ph.D.
T: 806.743.2900
Gerard E. Carrino, Ph.D., MPH
Dean, Julia Jones Matthews School of Population & Public Health
T: 806.414.9277
Sonya Castro-Quirino, D.Bioethics, MBA
Vice President for Institutional Compliance
T: 806.743.3950
Ron Cook, D.O., MBA, FAAFP
Chief Health Officer
Darrin D'Agostino, D.O., MPH, MBA
Provost and Executive Vice President of Academics
T: 806.743.2905
John C. DeToledo, M.D.
Dean, School of Medicine and Executive Vice President for Clinical Affairs
T: 806.743.3000
Vince Fell
Vice President for Information Technology, Chief Information Officer
T: 806.743.1500
Ashley Hamm, M.S.
Executive Chief of Staff and Executive Vice President of External Relations
T: 806.743.2900
Penny Harkey
Executive Vice President of Finance and Operations, Chief Financial Officer/Chief
Operations Officer
T: 806.743.7424
Cole Johnson, J.D.
Interim Executive Vice President for the Division of Rural Affairs
T: 806.834.4343
Cynthia Jumper, M.D., MPH
Executive Vice President for Health Policy and Strategic Initiatives
T: 806.743.3280
Grace Kuo, PharmD, Ph.D., MPH
Dean, Jerry H. Hodge School of Pharmacy
T: 806.414.9277
Brenna Leising, MBA, MLS
Vice President for Human Resources and Chief Human Resources Officer
T: 806.743.3591
Lance McMahon, Ph.D.
Executive Vice President for Research and Innovation
T: 806.743.3600
Jody Randall, Ed.D.
Vice President and Chief Experience Officer
T: 806.743.4195
Brandt L. Schneider, Ph.D.
Dean, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences
T: 806.743.2556
Dawndra Sechrist, OTR, Ph.D.
Dean, School of Health Professions
T: 806.743.3220
Harry Slife, Ph.D.
Vice President of Facilities and Safety Services
T: 806.743.2952
Holly Wei, Ph.D., R.N.
Dean, School of Nursing
T: 806.743.2738