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/StructElem /S /H2 /T (Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center \(㽶ֱ\) College Financing Plan) /E (Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center \(㽶ֱ\) College Financing Plan) /Pg 7 0 R /K [0] >> endobj 44 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /ActualText (Costs in the 2023-2024 year) /Pg 7 0 R /K [1] >> endobj 45 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /ActualText (Tuition Estimates: Student Business Services website) /Pg 7 0 R /K [6] >> endobj 46 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /ActualText (Cost of Living: Living Wage calculator) /Pg 7 0 R /K [7] >> endobj 47 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /ActualText (Scholarship and Grant Options) /Pg 7 0 R /K [2] >> endobj 48 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /ActualText <28436F6E73696465726564208D476966748E20616964202D206E6F2072657061796D656E74> /Pg 7 0 R /K [3] >> endobj 49 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /ActualText (Scholarships: Veterans Resource Center website) /Pg 7 0 R /K [8] >> endobj 50 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /ActualText (Grants: 㽶ֱ Financial Aid website) /Pg 7 0 R /K [9] >> endobj 51 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /ActualText (VA Education Benefits) /Pg 7 0 R /K [4] >> endobj 52 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /ActualText (GI Bill Comparison Tool) /Pg 7 0 R /K [10] >> endobj 53 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /ActualText (What you will pay for college) /Pg 7 0 R /K [5] >> endobj 54 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /ActualText (Net Costs ) /Pg 7 0 R /K [11] >> endobj 55 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /ActualText (\(Cost of attendance \(COA\) minus grants/scholarships\)) /Pg 7 0 R /K [12] >> endobj 56 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /ActualText (WebRaider Portal) /Pg 7 0 R /K [13] >> endobj 57 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /ActualText (Students in receipt of financial aid are assigned a financial aid budget, known as a COA, containing estimates related to tuition/fees, books/supplies/ room/board, transportation and miscellaneous expenses.) /Pg 7 0 R /K [14] >> endobj 58 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /H1 /T (Possible options to pay net costs) /E (Possible options to pay net costs) /Pg 7 0 R /K [15] >> endobj 59 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /ActualText (Work options) /Pg 7 0 R /K [28] >> endobj 60 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /ActualText (Work-Study \(Federal, state, or institutional\)) /Pg 7 0 R /K [16] >> endobj 61 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /ActualText (Loan options) /Pg 7 0 R /K [29] >> endobj 62 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /ActualText (Direct Subsidized Federal Loan \(Undergraduate\)) /Pg 7 0 R /K [17] >> endobj 63 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /ActualText (Direct Unsubsidized Federal Loan \(Undergraduate\)) /Pg 7 0 R /K [18] >> endobj 64 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /ActualText (Grad PLUS Federal Loan \(Graduate/Professional\)) /Pg 7 0 R /K [19] >> endobj 65 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /ActualText (HRSA Loans) /Pg 7 0 R /K [20] >> endobj 66 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /ActualText (Other options) /Pg 7 0 R /K [30] >> endobj 67 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /ActualText (Family Contribution ) /Pg 7 0 R /K [21] >> endobj 68 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /ActualText (Payment plan offered by the institution) /Pg 7 0 R /K [22] >> endobj 69 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /ActualText (Parent or Graduate PLUS Loans) /Pg 7 0 R /K [23] >> endobj 70 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /ActualText (American Opportunity Tax Credit*) /Pg 7 0 R /K [24] >> endobj 71 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /ActualText (Military and/or National Service benefits) /Pg 7 0 R /K [25] >> endobj 72 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /ActualText (Non-Federal private education loan) /Pg 7 0 R /K [26] >> endobj 73 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /ActualText (*Parents/students may qualify to receive up to $2,500 by claiming the American Opportunity Tax Credit on their tax return during the following calendar year.) /Pg 7 0 R /K [27] >> endobj 74 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /ActualText (College Scorecard) /Pg 7 0 R /K [38] >> endobj 75 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /ActualText (Costs) /Pg 7 0 R /K [39] >> endobj 76 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /ActualText (Graduation & Retention ) /Pg 7 0 R /K [40] >> endobj 77 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /ActualText (Financial Aid & Debt ) /Pg 7 0 R /K [41] >> endobj 78 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /ActualText (Typical Earnings ) /Pg 7 0 R /K [42] >> endobj 79 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /ActualText (Campus Diversity) /Pg 7 0 R /K [43] >> endobj 80 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /ActualText (Test Scores & Acceptance ) /Pg 7 0 R /K [44] >> endobj 81 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /ActualText (College Navigator) /Pg 7 0 R /K [45] >> endobj 82 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /ActualText (General Information) /Pg 7 0 R /K [46] >> endobj 83 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /ActualText (Tuition, Fees, & Estimated Expenses ) /Pg 7 0 R /K [47] >> endobj 84 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /ActualText (Financial Aid) /Pg 7 0 R /K [48] >> endobj 85 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /ActualText (Net Price) /Pg 7 0 R /K [49] >> endobj 86 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /ActualText (Enrollment) /Pg 7 0 R /K [50] >> endobj 87 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /ActualText (Admissions) /Pg 7 0 R /K [51] >> endobj 88 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /ActualText (Retention & Graduation Rates Outcome Measures) /Pg 7 0 R /K [52] >> endobj 89 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /ActualText (Programs/Majors) /Pg 7 0 R /K [53] >> endobj 90 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /ActualText (Servicemembers & Veterans Varsity Athletic Team) /Pg 7 0 R /K [54] >> endobj 91 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /ActualText (Accreditation) /Pg 7 0 R /K [55] >> endobj 92 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /ActualText (Campus Security & Safety) /Pg 7 0 R /K [56] >> endobj 93 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /ActualText (Cohort Default Rates) /Pg 7 0 R /K [57] >> endobj 94 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /ActualText (Military Transfer Credit) /Pg 7 0 R /K [58] >> endobj 95 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /ActualText (Core & Transfer Compliance Policy ) /Pg 7 0 R /K [59] >> endobj 96 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /ActualText (College Credit for Military Experience) /Pg 7 0 R /K [60] >> endobj 97 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /ActualText (Additional post-graduation requirements) /Pg 7 0 R /K [61] >> endobj 98 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /ActualText (Many 㽶ֱ programs require a certification/licensure test after completion of program requirements. Please inquire within you respective program's department) /Pg 7 0 R /K [62] >> endobj 99 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /ActualText (For more information and next steps:) /Pg 7 0 R /K [31] >> endobj 100 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /ActualText (㽶ֱ Financial Aid Office) /Pg 7 0 R /K [32] >> endobj 101 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /ActualText (3601 4th St., MS 8310) /Pg 7 0 R /K [33] >> endobj 102 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /ActualText (Lubbock, TX 79430) /Pg 7 0 R /K [34] >> endobj 103 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /ActualText (P: 806-743-3025) /Pg 7 0 R /K [35] >> endobj 104 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /ActualText (E: Financial.Aid@ttuhsc.edu) /Pg 7 0 R /K [36 37] >> endobj 105 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /H1 /T (Glossary) /E (Glossary) /Pg 8 0 R /K [0] >> endobj 106 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /ActualText (Cost of Attendance \(COA\): The total amount \(not including grants and scholarships\) that it will cost you to go to school during the 2024-2025 school year. COA includes tuition and fees; housing and food; and allowances for books, supplies, transportation, loan fees, and dependent care. It also includes miscellaneous and personal expenses, such as an allowance for the rental or purchase of a personal computer; costs related to a disability; and reasonable costs for eligible study-abroad programs. ) /Pg 8 0 R /K [1] >> endobj 107 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /ActualText (Direct Subsidized Federal Loan \(Undergraduate\): Loans that the U.S. Department of Education pays the interest on while you're in school at least half-time, for the first six months after you leave school \(referred to as a grace period*", and during a period of deferment \(a postponement of loan payments\).) /Pg 8 0 R /K [2] >> endobj 108 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /ActualText (Direct Unsubsidized Federal Loan \(Undergraduate\): Loans that the borrower is responsible for paying the interest on during all periods. If you choose not to pay the interested while you are in school and during grace periods and deferment or forbearance periods, you interest will accrue \(accumulate\) and be capitalized \(that is, your interest will be added to the principal amount of your loan\).) /Pg 8 0 R /K [3] >> endobj 109 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /ActualText (Federal Work-Study: A federal student aid program that provides part-time employment while the student is enrolled in school to help pay his or her education expenses. The student must seek out and apply for work-study jobs at his or her school. The student will be paid directly for the hours he or she works may not automatically be credited to pay for institutional tuition or fees. The amount you earn cannot exceed the total amount awarded by the school for the award year. The availability of work-study jobs varies by school. Please note that Federal Work-Study earnings may be taxed in certain scenarios; however, the income you earn will not be counted against you when calculating your Student Aid Index on the FAFSA.) /Pg 8 0 R /K [4] >> endobj 110 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /ActualText (Grad PLUS Federal Loan: Grad PLUS Loans are made to graduate and professional students to help pay for education expenses not covered by other financial aid. Eligibility is not based on financial need, but a credit check is required. Borrowers who have an adverse credit history must meet additional requirements to qualify. ) /Pg 8 0 R /K [5] >> endobj 111 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /P 148 0 R /ActualText <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> /Pg 8 0 R /K [6] >> endobj 112 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /H1 /T (Glossary) /E (Glossary) /Pg 9 0 R /K [9] >> endobj 113 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /ActualText (Grants and Scholarships: Student aid funds that do not have to be repaid. Grants are often need-based, while scholarships are usually merit-based. Occasionally you might have to pay back part or all of a grant if, for example, you withdraw from school before finishing a semester. If you use a grant or scholarship to cover your living expenses, the amount of your scholarship may be counted as taxable income on your tax return.) /Pg 9 0 R /K [0] >> endobj 114 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /ActualText (HRSA Loan: Health Resources and Services Administration \(HRSA\) loans include Loans for Disadvantages Students \(LDS\): Primary Care Loans \(PCL\); and Nursing School Loans \(NSL\). Please visit the HRSA website for more information.) /Pg 9 0 R /K [1] >> endobj 115 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /ActualText (Net Price: An estimate of the actual cost that a student and his or her family need to pay in a given year to cover education expenses for the student to attend a particular school. Net price is determined by taking the institution's cost of attendance and subtracting any grants and scholarships for which the student may be eligible. ) /Pg 9 0 R /K [2] >> endobj 116 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /ActualText (Non-Federal Private Education Loans: A private education loan is a loan issued expressly for postsecondary education expenses to a borrower \(either through the educational institution or directly to the borrower\) from a private educational lender, rather than as a Title IV, HEA loan offered by the Department of Education.) /Pg 9 0 R /K [3] >> endobj 117 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /ActualText (Origination Fees: An upfront fee charged by a lender for processing a new loan application. It is compensation for putting the loan in place. Originations fees are quoted as a percentage of the total loan.) /Pg 9 0 R /K [4] >> endobj 118 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /ActualText (Loans: Borrowed money that must be repaid with interest. Loans from the federal government typically have a lower interest rate than loans from private lenders. Federal loans, listed from most advantageous to least advantageous, are called Federal Perkins Loans, Direct Subsidized Loans, Direct Unsubsidized Loans, and Direct PLUS Loans. You can find more information about federal loans at StudentAid.gov. ) /Pg 9 0 R /K [5] >> endobj 119 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /ActualText (Median Borrowing: The median federal debt of undergraduate borrowers who completed. This figure includes only federal loans; it excludes private student loans and parent PLUS loans. ) /Pg 9 0 R /K [6] >> endobj 120 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /ActualText (Repayment Rate: The share of students who have repaid at least $1 of the principal balance on their federal loans within 3 years of leaving school. ) /Pg 9 0 R /K [7] >> endobj 121 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /ActualText (Tuition Payment Plan: A tuition payment plan offered by an institution may allow students to spread out their payments. It includes an extension of credit of 90 days or less in which the educational institution is the lender or of one year or less where in interest rate will not be applied to the credit payment. ) /Pg 9 0 R /K [8] >> endobj 122 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /H1 /T (Glossary) /E (Glossary) /Pg 10 0 R /K [3] >> endobj 123 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /ActualText (VA Education Benefits: Benefits that help veterans, service members, and their qualified family members with needs like paying college tuition, finding the right school or training program, and getting career counseling. You can find more information on the VA website.) /Pg 10 0 R /K [0] >> endobj 124 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /P /P 149 0 R /ActualText (For more information visit https://studentaid.gov/. ) /Pg 10 0 R /K [1 2] >> endobj 125 0 obj << /ca 1 /BM /Normal >> endobj 126 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /Type0 /BaseFont /AAAAAA+ArialMTPro-Regular /Encoding /Identity-H /DescendantFonts [150 0 R] /ToUnicode 151 0 R >> endobj 127 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /Type0 /BaseFont /BAAAAA+ArialMTPro-Bold /Encoding /Identity-H /DescendantFonts [152 0 R] /ToUnicode 153 0 R >> endobj 128 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /Type0 /BaseFont /CAAAAA+ArialMTPro-Italic /Encoding /Identity-H /DescendantFonts [154 0 R] /ToUnicode 155 0 R >> endobj 129 0 obj << /Type /Action /S /URI /URI (https://www.fiscal.ttuhsc.edu/studentbusserv/tuitionestimates.aspx) >> endobj 130 0 obj << /Type /Action /S /URI /URI (https://livingwage.mit.edu/) >> endobj 131 0 obj << /Type /Action /S /URI /URI (/veterans-resource-center/scholarships.aspx) >> endobj 132 0 obj << /Type /Action /S /URI /URI (/financial-aid/loans.aspx) >> endobj 133 0 obj << /Type /Action /S /URI /URI (https://www.va.gov/education/gi-bill-comparison-tool/) >> endobj 134 0 obj << /Type /Action /S /URI /URI (http://portal.ttuhsc.edu/) >> endobj 135 0 obj << /Type /Action /S /URI /URI (mailto:Financial.Aid@ttuhsc.edu) >> endobj 136 0 obj << /Type /Action /S /URI /URI (https://collegescorecard.ed.gov/school/?229337-Texas-Tech-University-Health-Sciences-Center) >> endobj 137 0 obj << /Type /Action /S /URI /URI (https://nces.ed.gov/collegenavigator/?q=texas+tech+university+health+sciences+center&s=all&id=229337) >> endobj 138 0 obj << /Type /Action /S /URI /URI (/registrar/documents/CoreCurriculumPolicy_2018.pdf) >> endobj 139 0 obj << /Type /Action /S /URI /URI (/veterans-resource-center/college-credit.aspx) >> endobj 140 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /Type0 /BaseFont /DAAAAA+CanvaSans-Regular /Encoding /Identity-H /DescendantFonts [156 0 R] /ToUnicode 157 0 R >> endobj 141 0 obj << /Type /Action /S /URI /URI (https://bhw.hrsa.gov/funding/schools-apply-loan-program) >> endobj 142 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /Type0 /BaseFont /EAAAAA+CanvaSans-Bold /Encoding /Identity-H /DescendantFonts [158 0 R] /ToUnicode 159 0 R >> endobj 143 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /Type0 /BaseFont /FAAAAA+CanvaSans-Regular /Encoding /Identity-H /DescendantFonts [160 0 R] /ToUnicode 161 0 R >> endobj 144 0 obj << /Type /Action /S /URI /URI (https://www.va.gov/education/) >> endobj 145 0 obj << /Type /Action /S /URI /URI (https://studentaid.gov/) >> endobj 146 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /L /P 40 0 R /K 162 0 R >> endobj 147 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /L /P 42 0 R /K 163 0 R >> endobj 148 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /LBody /P 162 0 R /K [111 0 R] >> endobj 149 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /S /LBody /P 163 0 R /K [124 0 R] >> endobj 150 0 obj << /Type /Font /FontDescriptor 164 0 R /BaseFont /AAAAAA+ArialMTPro-Regular /Subtype /CIDFontType2 /CIDToGIDMap /Identity /CIDSystemInfo 165 0 R /W [0 [500 0 0 278 0 355] 8 [889 667 222 333 333 389 0 278 333 278 278] 29 30 278 35 [1015 667 667 722 722 667 611 778 722 278] 48 [833 722 778 667 0 722 667 611 722 667 944 667 667] 70 [500] 73 [278] 76 77 222 78 [500 222 833] 85 [333 500 278] 89 [500 722] 91 93 500 106 [191 333] 118 [350 0 0 333] ] /DW 556 >> endobj 151 0 obj << /Length 321 /Filter /FlateDecode >> stream x]n0EYcHh$G#Cbb,,MZt'X!ywlCr8W'xц~}kYiצXY$Aa3>)t\n`gU Kk_!iZ]ir")u#m%\< SXCe;ݺ΂sHk"A $xّVI;D*6bK1vԺU7Z ͩ枂G >Q)} ͟ ș3Se\SyND6+u7yȫsa I3ovΚ_'l endstream endobj 152 0 obj << /Type /Font /FontDescriptor 166 0 R /BaseFont /BAAAAA+ArialMTPro-Bold /Subtype /CIDFontType2 /CIDToGIDMap /Identity /CIDSystemInfo 167 0 R /W [0 [500 0 0 278] 11 29 333 36 39 722 40 [667] 42 [778 722] 48 [833 722 778 667 0 722 667] 56 [722 0 944] 68 [556] 70 [556] 72 [556 333] 76 [278 0 556 278 889] 85 [389 556 333] 89 [556 778 0 556 500] ] /DW 611 >> endobj 153 0 obj << /Length 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