- HSC OP 76.01 Emergency Management Plan
- HSC OP 76.02 Identification/Access Badges
- HSC OP 76.05 Abandoned Personal Property
- HSC OP 76.08 Violence and Workplace Threats
- HSC OP 76.10 Animals in Texas Tech Buildings
- HSC OP 76.11 Hunting on Texas Tech Property
- HSC OP 76.15 Severe Weather Warning and Alert Systems
- HSC OP 76.17 Bomb Threat Procedures
- HSC OP 76.23 Employee Training and Procedures for Handling Armed Robbery Incidents
- HSC OP 76.30 Vehicle Registration
- HSC OP 76.32 Traffic and Parking Regulations
- HSC OP 76.34 Collisions Involving University Vehicles
- HSC OP 76.37 Service Vehicle Parking
- HSC OP 76.40 Annual Crime Reporting - Clery Act Compliance
- HSC OP 76.41 Texas Tech Police
- HSC OP 76.42 Flying of Flags