Environmental Dimension
Environmental Wellness
Leading a lifestyle in which we recognize our impact on the environment and promote practices that sustain the earth’s resources.
- Recycle, if available
- Practice conserving resources (energy, water)
- Explore ways to reduce your carbon footprint
- Engage in activities to improve the environment (e.g., a clean-up)
- Support causes that protect the environment
Tips for Environmental Wellness:
- Consider offering to recycle items (aluminum, glass, plastic, etc.) for friends or
family members who decline to recycle, or at events where organizers won’t be recycling.
- Plan your travel, even when running errands around town, in order to efficiently use
your time and limit how much fuel you use.
- Declutter your spaces (home or office); work on one room or area at a time, and once it’s decluttered, try to keep it that way.