Physical Distancing | Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center


Ï㽶ֱ²¥ students walking through Lubbock campus courtyard.


Limiting close contact with individuals outside of your household helps to reduce the spread of COVID-19.


Students in courtyard physical distancing

students physcial distancing in hallway

Physical Distancing 

  • Students should maximize physical distance from others while on campus, at least 6 feet apart.
  • No more than two individuals should ride an elevator together.
  • Take the stairs if you are physically able to allow elevator space for those who cannot. In doing so, you’ll be living our Kindhearted and Beyond Service values and gaining personal health benefits, too. 

    • Stairwells will be marked for one-way traffic where possible, keeping in compliance with fire code.
    • Handrails and door handles are cleaned throughout the day and disinfected on a daily basis.
  • When eating, you must ensure that you maintain at least a 6-foot distance between others.