CMPR Members | Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center


Ογ½ΆΦ±²₯ students walking through Lubbock campus courtyard.
Campus Image of Ογ½ΆΦ±²₯ seal

CMPR Faculty Members:

Listed in Alphabetical Order by Last Name
Name Affiliation Research Contact Information
Pablo Artigas, Ph.D., Professor Cell Physiology & Molecular Biophysics, Ογ½ΆΦ±²₯ Structure-based functional studies of P-type ATPases and their regulation
(806) 743-1142
Michael P. Blanton, Ph.D., Professor    Pharmacology & Neuroscience, Ογ½ΆΦ±²₯ Structural analysis of ligand-gated channels
(806) 743-2425
Yangzom Bhutia, Ph.D., Associate Professor Cell Biology & Biochemistry, Ογ½ΆΦ±²₯ Transporters and its relevance to cancers
(806) 743-1282
Luis Cuello, Ph.D., Professor Cell Physiology & Molecular Biophysics, Ογ½ΆΦ±²₯ Structure and dynamics of ion channels
(806) 743-2525
Elka Georgieva, Ph.D., Assistant Professor Chemistry & Biochemistry, TTU Structure and function of viroporins and membrane exporters of Mycobacterium tuberculosis
(806) 8348166
Lan Guan, M.D., Ph.D., Professor and Co-Director  Cell Physiology & Molecular Biophysics, Ογ½ΆΦ±²₯ Structures and mechanisms of secondary active transport
(806) 743-3102
Juyang Huang, Ph.D., Professor Physics, TTU Roles of cholesterol in determining the physicochemical properties of cell membranes
(806) 743-4780
Michaela Jansen, PharmD, Ph.D.,  Professor Cell Physiology & Molecular Biophysics, Ογ½ΆΦ±²₯ Structures and mechanisms receptors & solute transporters and their pharmacological relevance
(806) 743-4059
Andrey Karamyshev, Ph.D.,  Associate Professor Associate Director Cell Biology & Biochemistry, Ογ½ΆΦ±²₯ Membrane protein targeting, translocation/insertion and folding in health and disease
(806) 743-4102
Zemfira Karamysheva, Ph.D., Associate Professor Cell Biology & Biochemistry, Ογ½ΆΦ±²₯ Translational control in protozoa and mammalian organisms, specialized ribosomes, molecular mechanisms of persistence and drug resistance in Leishmania parasites
Michael Latham, Ph.D., Associate Professor

Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and Biophysics, University of Minnesota

The role of conformational changes in the function of a critical DNA double strand break repair complex  
Hongjun Liang, Ph.D., Professor Cell Physiology & Molecular Biophysics, Ογ½ΆΦ±²₯ Membrane biophysics and bionanoengineering
(806) 743-1463
Ruibin Liang, Ph.D., Assistant Professor Chemistry & Biochemistry, TTU Quantum dynamics simulation on molecular photoswitches and water splitting‭
(806) 834-7183
Malaiyalam Mariappan, Ph.D., Associate Professor Cell Physiology & Biochemistry, Ογ½ΆΦ±²₯ Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) stress, Unfolded Protein Response (UPR), Ubiquitin-mediated protein quality control, Autophagy, Neurodegenerative diseases, type 2 Diabetes
(806) 743-4104
Raheleh Ravanfar, Ph.D., Assistant Professor Chemistry & Biochemistry, TTU Molecular Mechanism of Metalloproteins, Bio-inspired Heterogeneous Catalysis Using Heme-containing Proteins, Targeted Delivery and Controlled Release
(806) 834-6129
Adam Smith, Ph.D., Associate Professor Chemistry & Biochemistry, TTU Receptor tyrosine kinases, cell signaling, and effects of oncogenic variants of uncertain significance
(806) 834-3551
R. Bryan Sutton, Ph.D., Professor Cell Physiology & Molecular Biophysics, Ογ½ΆΦ±²₯
X-ray crystallography of C2 domains of synaptotagmin and human dysferlin
(806) 743-4058
Ina Urbatsch, Ph.D., Professor Cell Biology & Biochemistry, Ογ½ΆΦ±²₯
Structure-function of multidrug-resistance transport proteins
(806) 743-2700T
Tetyana Vasylyeva, M.D., Ph.D., Professor Pediatrics, Ογ½ΆΦ±²₯ Nephrin in the slit diaphragm of podocytes, permeability, nephrotic syndrome, and treatment.
Joachim Weber, Ph.D., Associate Professor Chemistry & Biochemistry, TTU

Enzymatic mechanism of ATP synthesis by the ATP synthase

(806) 742-1297
Michael Wiener, Ph.D., Professor, Co-Director & Department Chair Cell Physiology & Molecular Biophysics, Ογ½ΆΦ±²₯  
Ben Wylie, Ph.D., Associate Professor Chemistry & Biochemistry, TTU
Structural (solid-state NMR spectroscopy) and functional studies of K+ channels and GPCR receptors
(806) 834-2328