Archived Lectures by Date
January 2016
- Ambassador Tibor P. Nagy, State of the World 2016:Predictions & Reflections
- flyer
- please contact the Office of Global Health for the recorded presentation
February 2016
- Annette Sobel, M.D., M.S., Major General (Ret., AZANG), Emerging Challenges in Global
Health Security
- flyer
- powerpoint
- please contact the Office of Global Health for the recorded presentation
- Jeff Dennis, PhD, Understanding the Health Profile of Immigrants and Their Relevance
to the Health Care System
- flyer
- powerpoint
- please contact the Office of Global Health for the recorded presentation
March 2016
- Rafael Ruiz, MD, & Walter I. Diaz, MS, MBA, Global Health Engagement
- flyer
- please contact the Office of Global Health for the recorded presentation
- Lani K. Ackerman, MDFAAFP, Sustainable Community Development in Nepal
- flyer
- powerpoint
- please contact the Office of Global Health for the recorded presentation
April 2016
- Bob Howell, MEd, LCDC, CRT, Hypnosis and Healing
- flyer
- please contact the Office of Global Health for the recorded presentation
- Yi-Yuan Tang, PhD, Mindfulness Intervention for Mental Health: Brain Mechanisms and
Its Implications
- flyer
- please contact the Office of Global Health for the recorded presentation
September 2015
- Leila McWhinney-Dehaney, PhD, MPH, RN, RM, FNP, An Overview of the Health Care System
in Jamaica
- flyer
- powerpoint
- please contact the Office of Global Health for the recorded presentation
October 2015
- Holly Mulinder, Six Months in Addis Ababa: My Experience in Ethiopian Health Care
- flyer
- powerpoint
- please contact the Office of Global Health for the recorded presentation
- John Pelley, MBA, PhD, Bodybuilding for the Brain: Mindful Learning
- flyer
- powerpoint
- please contact the Office of Global Health for the recorded presentation
- The Success Types Medical Education
November 2015
- Christine Neugebauer, MS, MT-BC, LCP, Arts in Medicine: Hope & Healing Through the Arts
- School of Health Professions Students, The Role of School of Health Professions -
Students in Global Health: An Interdisciplinary Experience in Jinotega, Nicaragua
- flyer
- powerpoint
- please contact the Office of Global Health for the recorded presentation
January 2015
- Ambassador Tibor P Nagy, State of the World 2015: Predictions and Reflections
- flyer
- please contact the Office of Global Health for the recorded presentation
- Nelson Guda, PhD, The ENEMIES Project: A Search for Light in Terrible Conflict
February 2015
- Vivien Ingram, Health, Healing, & Hope: Haiti Pre-, During, Post- Earthquake
- flyer
- please contact the Office of Global Health for the recorded presentation
- Fatma Levent, MD, Healthcare in Turkey: A Journey To the Country Where the Continents
- flyer
- please contact the Office of Global Health for the recorded presentation
March 2015
- Arthur Islas, MD, Health Care at a Mt. Everest Base Camp
- flyer
- please contact the Office of Global Health for the recorded presentation
- Scott Ridley, PhD, East Lubbock Promise Neighborhood
- flyer
- please contact the Office of Global Health for the recorded presentation
April 2015
- Rosalinda Jimenez, EdD, RN, MSN, APRN-BC, Promotoras: Community Advocates
- flyer
- please contact the Office of Global Health for the recorded presentation
- Justin Berk, MPH, MBA, Medical and Systemic Challenges in Management of HIV-infected
Children in Lesotho, Africa
- flyer
- please contact the Office of Global Health for the recorded presentation
August 2014
- Andrea Tenner, MD, MPH, FACEP, War, Disaster, & Death: Managing Complex Emergencies
- flyer
- please contact the Office of Global Health for the recorded presentation
- Peter Hotez, MD, PhD, The NTDS, Blue Marble Health, & the Antipoverty Vaccines
- flyer
- please contact the Office of Global Health for the recorded presentation
September 2014
- Joel Dickens, MD, Baptist Medical Center, Nalerigu, Ghana
- flyer
- please contact the Office of Global Health for the recorded presentation
October 2014
- Mike Russell, School of Medicine, Class of 2017, The Israel/Palestine Experience
- flyer
- please contact the Office of Global Health for the recorded presentation
- Patti Patterson, MD, MPH, Beyond Tourism: Ογ½ΆΦ±²₯ Making a Difference in Nicaragua
- flyer
- please contact the Office of Global Health for the recorded presentation
- Sharon Decker, RN, PhD, ANEF, FAAN and Chris Esperat, RN, PhD, FAAN, Building Faculty
Capacity for Clinical Simulation in a Philippine University
- flyer
- please contact the Office of Global Health for the recorded presentation
November 2014
- Bryan Small, CEO Alabama-Coushatta Tribal Holdings, LLC, Economic Development and
Health Care: A Native Perspective
- flyer
- please contact the Office of Global Health for the recorded presentation
- Kenn Freedman, MD, PhD, Teaching Ophthalmology in Cambodia and Vietnam
- flyer
- please contact the Office of Global Health for the recorded presentation
February 2014
- Ambassador Tibor P. Nagy, State of the World 2014: Predictions and Reflections
- flyer
- please contact the Office of Global Health for the recorded presentation
- Clyde Martin,PhD, Global Food Security
- flyer
- powerpoint
- please contact the Office of Global Health for the recorded presentation
March 2014
- Kanika Monga & Ritik Tiwari, Voice for the Deprived
- flyer
- please contact the Office of Global Health for the recorded presentation
- Sheldon Rubenfeld, MD, Healing by Killing: Medicine in the Third Reich
April 2014
- Breedlove Foods, Inc., Breedlove: Innovative Humanitarian Relief
- flyer
- please contact the Office of Global Health for the recorded presentation
- Robert Mamlok, MD, Fleas, Flies, and Fascists: Lessons from the International Medical
Relief Corps
- flyer
- please contact the Office of Global Health for the recorded presentation
May 2014
September 2013
- Hasanat Alamgir, PhD, Improving Occupational Health in Developing Countries: the Garment
Workers of Bangladesh
- please contact the Office of Global Health for the recorded presentation
October 2013
- Brian Engel, PhD, The Peace Corps and Papua New Guinea: One Volunteer's Experience
- flyer
- powerpoint
- please contact the Office of Global Health for the recorded presentation
- Voice of Hope, Combating Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking in the South Plains Region
November 2013
- Engineers Without Borders TTU Chapter, Engineers Without Borders
- flyer
- please contact the Office of Global Health for the recorded presentation
December 2013
- Surendra Varma, MD, Vietnam Revisted
- flyer
- powerpoint
- please contact the Office of Global Health for the recorded presentation
January 2013
- Ambassador Tibor Nagy, State of the World 2013: Predictions and Reflections
- flyer
- please contact the Office of Global Health for the recorded presentation
February 2013
- Yan Zhang,PhD, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture
- flyer
- powerpoint
- please contact the Office of Global Health for the recorded presentation
March 2013
- Milton Jones, President/CEO, Christian Relief Fund
- flyer
- please contact the Office of Global Health for the recorded presentation
- Chris Hobart, and Julianne Yeary, International Experiences through FIMRC-Costa Rica
and Peru
- flyer
- powerpoint
- please contact the Office of Global Health for the recorded presentation
- Cynthia Hester, BSED, RN, Medical Mission to Zambia
- flyer
- please contact the Office of Global Health for the recorded presentation
April 2013
- Dan Kelly, MD, Wellbody Alliance - Sierra Leone
- powerpoint
- please contact the Office of Global Health for the recorded presentation
- Marie Leiner, PhD, Children's Mental Health and Collective Violence on the US/Mexico
- flyer
- powerpoint
- please contact the Office of Global Health for the recorded presentation
May 2013
- Michael Parsa, MD, Short Term Medical Missions: Organizing and Getting Involved in
Trips That Have a Lasting Impact
- flyer
- powerpoint
- please contact the Office of Global Health for the recorded presentation
- Dr. K. M. Cherian, Medville Project: A model for research, medical education, and
patient care in rural and urban areas
- flyer
- powerpoint
- please contact the Office of Global Health for the recorded presentation
- Vera Von Bergen, MD, Educate the Mother, Save the Nation
- flyer
- powerpoint
- please contact the Office of Global Health for the recorded presentation
August 2012
- Devendra K Gupta of King George Medical University, Lucknow, India, The Health Burden
in the Developing World: Future Strategies
- flyer
- powerpoint
- please contact the Office of Global Health for the recorded presentation
September 2012
- Jason Morton, PC Support, Single Jingles: Living with Testicular Cancer
- flyer
- please contact the Office of Global Health for the recorded presentation
- David McRay, MD, Global Health in US Medical Education: A Focus on Israel and Palestine
- flyer
- powerpoint
- please contact the Office of Global Health for the recorded presentation
October 2012
- Greg Hannabas, Sustainability: A Perspective from West Texas, East Africa, and Spain
- flyer
- please contact the Office of Global Health for the recorded presentation
- Jane Nagy, MA, Women's Health in Africa
- flyer
- please contact the Office of Global Health for the recorded presentation
November 2012
- Sheon Montgomery, MS, Combat Nurses of Vietnam: What's an angel doin' here in hell?
- flyer
- powerpoint
- please contact the Office of Global Health for the recorded presentation
- Nurses in Vietnam references and resources
- Miriam Nakalembe, MD, Maternal and Reproductive Health Issues in Uganda
- powerpoint
- please contact the Office of Global Health for the recorded presentation
January 2012
- Kweku Hazel, SOM, Class of 2012, From West Africa to West Texas
- flyer
- powerpoint
- please contact the Office of Global Health for the recorded presentation
February 2012
- Ambassador Tibor P. Nagy, 2012 International Predictions
- flyer
- please contact the Office of Global Health for the recorded presentation
March 2012
- Kim Peck, MD, Medical Mission Trips in Kenya
- flyer
- please contact the Office of Global Health for the recorded presentation
- Mubariz Naqvi, MD, Global Neonatology: A Report from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
- flyer
- please contact the Office of Global Health for the recorded presentation
- Enrique Oracion, PhD of Silliman University, Toward an Integrative & Collaborative
Research Program: Responding to the Complex Challenges & Potentials in the Tropics
April 2012
- Robert Casanova, MD, Cuba: A Second Look
- flyer
- please contact the Office of Global Health for the recorded presentation
- Frank Agullo, MD, Cleft Lip & Palate Surgical Missions: Peru & Honduras
May 2012
- Honduras 2012 participants including Scott Grant, Grace Ng, and Michael Parsa, MD, Mission Honduras 2012: Reflections and Lessons Learned
- Michael Cappello, MD of Yale School of Medicine, From Bench to Bush, and Back Again:
The Molecular Pathogenesis of Pediatric Tropical Diseases
- flyer
- please contact the Office of Global Health for the recorded presentation
September 2009
- Joaquin Lado, M.D., Goiter:Pathophysiology and Clinical Aspects
- flyer
- powerpoint
- please contact the Office of Global Health for the recorded presentation
power point
- Jamal Islam, M.D., The Armenian and University of Texas Medical Branch Galveston Partnership
October 2009
- James Dembowski, PhD, CCC-SLP, Slavically Speaking: Treating Communication Disorders
in Poland
- flyer
- powerpoint
- please contact the Office of Global Health for the recorded presentation
- German Nunez, PhD, Death and Dying: Perspectives from Around the World
November 2009
- David Fish, CEO,Breedlove: Innovative Humanitarian Relief
- flyer
- powerpoint
- please contact the Office of Global Health for the recorded presentation
- 18-Patti Patterson, MD, MPH, Labba, Guinea Pigs and Fish Head Stew: 20 Years of International
Medical Missions
- flyer
- powerpoint
- please contact the Office of Global Health for the recorded presentation
December 2009
- Tyler Levick & Sixtus Atabong, PA-C, Purpose Medical Mission: Providing Healthcare
to Southwest Cameroon
- flyer
- powerpoint
- please contact the Office of Global Health for the recorded presentation
January 2009
- Surendra Varma, M.D., Opportunities for Leadership: Education of a Foreign Medical Graduate
- Jean Yan, Ph.D., Primary Health Care: Now More than Ever!
- Denise Fitz Simon, M.D., FAAP, Bush Alaska: Pediatrics in the Third World of the U.S.
February 2009
- Libby Hanushek & Revathi Ravi, Malawi & Uganda: Africa Through the Eyes of Two Ογ½ΆΦ±²₯ Students
- Piotr Tabaczewski, M.D., Ph.D, Ak'Tenamit Clinic in Guatemala: Volunteers, Donations, and Mayan Health Promoters
March 2009
- Michael Keller, MBA, FACHE, Healthcare in Iraq Pre and Immediately Post Operation Iraqi Freedom
- Dustin Corgan & Alxander Yu (with Chris Jones), Two Medical Students and Their Summers
- flyer
- powerpoint - Himalayan Health Exchange - Dustin Corgan
- powerpoint - Engineers Without Borders, Peru - Alex Yu
- please contact the Office of Global Health for the recorded presentation
April 2009
- Timothy R. Huerta, MSPA, Ph.D., Visions of the Future: Healthcare in the Obama Era
- flyer
- powerpoint
- please contact the Office of Global Health for the recorded presentation
May 2009
- Selim Krim, MD, International Medical Graduates: Update on a Diversified Physician
- flyer
- powerpoint
- please contact the Office of Global Health for the recorded presentation
- Leslie Shen, PhD, Epidemic Obesity in China
- flyer
- powerpoint
- please contact the Office of Global Health for the recorded presentation
August 2008
- Daniel M. Hardy, Ph.D., A Trip to the Arctic: Sports Injury Prevention, the Olympics, and Norway's Bid for the 2018 Winter Games
September 2008
- Rajkumar Lakshmanaswamy, Ph.D., Hormones and Breast Cancer Prevention
- Rey Vivo, M.D., The Philippines: The Sun, the Sand, and a Sea of Foreign Healthcare
October 2008
- Mubariz Naqvi, M.D., Neonatal Care in Developing Countries: A Report from Pakistan
- Elizabeth Trejos-Castillo, Ph.D., A Cross Cultural Perspective in Healthcare: When
Culture Matters!
November 2008
- Gabor Racz, M.D., Ογ½ΆΦ±²₯ Pain Journey: Non Nobis Laboramus
- Myrna Armstrong, Ed.D., RN, FAAN, A Trend That's Here to Stay: A Global and Holistic Look at Tattooing and Body Piercing
December 2008
- Jean-Michel Brismee, PT, ScD, Spinal Manipulations: The Similarities and Disparities
Between Osteopaths, Chiropractors, and Physical Therapists Around the World
February 2008
- Mark Hall, M.D., Is There a Right to Health Care?: Four Years in Uganda
- flyer
- Lynn Bickley, M.D., Medical School Partnerships: Rochester and Bamako Mali
- flyer
- Werner de Riese, M.D., Comparison of the U.S. with the European/German Health Care
- flyer
- Robert Casanova, M.D., Cuba: Some Lessons for Border and Rural Health
- flyer
- Patti Patterson, M.D., MPH, Improving Health in Rural Nicaragua: Lessons for West
- flyer
March 2008
- Tony Islas, M.D., World Health in the Backyard: Tales from the U.S.-Mexico Border
- flyer
- German Nunez, Ph.D., Global Perspectives on Death, Dying, and End of Life Care
- flyer
- Jorge Burgueno, M.D., Cuban Public Health System: The Past, Present and Future
- flyer
April 2008
- Jose Cordero, M.D., Kenya
- flyer
- Myrna Armstrong, RN, Ed.D, FAAN, & Surendra Varma, M.D., Vietnam
- flyer
May 2008
- Tom McGovern, Ph.D., Alcohol & Drugs: International Perspective
- flyer
- James Heavner, DVM, Ph.D., FIPP, One World-One Medicine
- flyer
- John Haynes, Jr., M.D., Toxicology
- flyer
- Kenn A. Freedman, M.D., Ph.D.,Tarahumara Indians of Southern Chihuahua
- flyer
- Gordon Gong, M.D., & Yan Zhang, Ph.D., Traditional Chinese Medicine
- flyer