Internal Moonlighting | Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center


Internal Moonlighting


Internal Moonlighting: Voluntary, compensated, medically-related work performed within the institution where the resident is in training or at any of its participating sites. Internal Moonlighting has to occur under the direction of a faculty member associated with the training program, is in compliance with the training requirements including but not limited to requirements for faculty supervision and work hour limitations, and is in the same specialty as the training program (or is approved by the Program Director as a training area related to the specialty).


The Psychiatry Department takes seriously the responsibility of ensuring a high-quality learning environment for the residents, mainly by balancing education and patient care activities within established work hour limitations. Residents are not and must not be required to engage in moonlighting. Without compromising the goals of resident training and education, a program director may allow a resident to moonlight if all of the following conditions are met: 

  • resident is not at the PGY 1 or PGY 2 level
  • resident is in good standing in the program
  • resident is not a J-1 visa holder 


The resident has a current Texas Medical Board issued Physician in Training (PIT) to perform internal moonlighting within the institution in which the resident is in training under the supervision of a faculty member or attending physician.

Current schedule/hours

  1. The moonlighting resident is expected to check out the cases with the attending on call. Unlike the case with the regular on-call resident (covering the CMC), the attending is not expected to go and see the patients seen by the moonlighting resident except when it is deemed necessary for reaching a more accurate diagnosis/assessment. 
  2. The moonlighting call starts at 4:30 on Friday and ends at 4:30 Sunday and occurs about once monthly.
  3. The moonlighting resident logs only the hours they worked.


Got Questions?

We're here to help. Contact us if you have questions.

Chief Residents
Dr. Joy Osaji
Dr. Michael Ji