Clinical Pharmacology & Experimental Therapeutics Center | Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center


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Clinical Pharmacology & Experimental Therapeutics Center

The center provides pharmaceutical expertise to conduct and support preclinical and clinical/translational trials, and postmarketing assessment of pharmaceutical drugs. The Clinical Pharmacology & Experimental Therapeutics Center consists of three core areas of focused research:

Experimental Therapeutics and Diagnostics Core

We have preclinical resources for researchers and collaborators to develop and test new drugs, enable translational research in drug discovery/development. One of the resources we have is cell disease models. Our cell disease models in cancer and neurodegeneration diseases are designed for drug screening, new therapeutic target exploring as well as drug tolerability and efficacy studies. Another resource is our advanced instrumentation. Three advanced mass spectrometry with established proteomics, metabolomics and epigenetics workflow, we are striving to discover new diagnostics biomarkers of cancer and neurodegeneration diseases with our clinic collaborators.

Primary areas of research focus:

  • Pharmacokinetics/Pharmacodynamics
  • Drug metabolism
  • Drug formulation and delivery
  • Drug discovery
  • Biomarker identification
  • Chemical characterization
  • Laboratory space: ~2,500 square feet
  • General equipment:  analytical balances, pipettes, pH meters, centrifuges, two Labconco CentriVap® systems, two Nitrogen-evaporation systems, two refrigerators (5 ± 3 °C), two freezers (-20 ± 10 °C) and four ultra-freezers (-80 ± 10 °C). The ultra-freezers are continuously monitored and clinical samples are inventoried using FreezerPro® software package. Specialized automated sample preparation equipment includes an Eppendorf epMotion M5073 and a Tomtec Quadra 4® automated liquid handling systems.
  • Tissue preparation equipment: Pro Scientific DPS-20 homogenization system (ultrasonic and mechanical homogenization); Leica RM2255 microtome, Leica CM3050S Cryostat, and a Leica LMP6 laser microdissection system.
  • Mass spectrometric instrumentation includes: Sciex QTRAP® 6500+, Sciex QTRAP® 7500, Sciex TripleTOF™ 7600, and an Agilent 7700 ICP-MS. The Sciex QTRAP®and TripleTOF™instruments can be interfaced with Shimadzu Nexera UHPLC systems or Eksigent exspert™nano-LC/micro-LC system.  Additional gradient liquid chromatographic (HPLC) systems are available with Shimadzu UV/Vis, ELSD and Dionex electrochemical detectors. Specialized analytical software includes Sciex’s Analyst™, PeakView™, SWATH™, and MultiQuant™ software packages.
  • Pharmacokinetic modeling software: Certara Phoenix 64 WinNonlin v6.4.

Overall, the Clinical Pharmacology & Experimental Therapeutics Center specializes in conducting pharmacology studies on experimental therapeutics.

Specific capabilities of the Center include:

  • Bioanalytical method development
  • Bioanalytical method validation
  • Blood/Plasma/Serum sample analysis
  • Tissue sample analysis / tissue distribution analysis
  • Analyte/formulation stability studies
  • Automated sample preparation
  • Small molecule bioanalytical sample analysis
  • Biomolecule bioanalytical sample analysis
  • Metals analysis
  • Pharmacokinetic determinations
  • Targeted metabolite studies
  • Chemical characterization of small molecules, biotherapeutics, formulated products and botanical extracts
  • Regulatory development input
  • Cell disease model for drug screening

 Additional services provided by Center faculty:

  • Program and protocol development and support
  • Analyses and interpretation of PK and PK/PD data
  • Population PK analysis for optimal dosing

The Center's analytical laboratory specializes in developing and validating methods for the analysis of both small- and large-molecule pharmaceutical agents, their metabolites, and biomarkers in complex biologic matrices using state-of-the-art bioanalytical techniques.

Faculty Members

Ronald Hall headshot

Ronald G. Hall II, Pharm.D., MSCS

Center Director

Associate Professor, Departments of Pharmacy Practice 

Focus of Research: Dose Optimization and Outcomes Research

Li Li headshot

Li Li, Ph.D.

CPRIT Core Director

Assistant Professor, Departments of Pharmacy Practice and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Focus of Research: Drug Metabolism and Drug Discovery

Trey Putnam headshot

William “Trey” Putnam, Ph.D., RAC


Professor, Departments of Pharmacy Practice and Pharmaceutical Sciences 

Focus of Research: Clinical Pharmacology and Metabolism


Got Questions?

We're here to help. Contact us if you have questions.

Ronald G. Hall II, Pharm.D., MSCS
Center Director