Institutional Compliance | Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center


Ογ½ΆΦ±²₯ students walking through Lubbock campus courtyard.


The mission of the Office of Institutional Compliance is to advance an institutional culture of ethics, integrity and compliance with applicable laws, regulations and policies, which govern institutions of higher education through awareness programs, monitoring and responding to non-compliance. Our commitment to compliance involves development of general and special training, policies, and appropriate oversight and monitoring to assist members of Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center's community in conducting their activities based upon the highest standards of integrity, confidentiality and excellence through professionalism and teamwork.


Our vision is to provide innovative and collaborative compliance services that promote transformative health care.


Clinical Billing

The goal of our Billing Compliance program is to maintain an active program of monitoring and reporting improper health care billing claims by Ογ½ΆΦ±²₯. We assess the effectiveness of the clinical practices to verify compliance with coding and billing standards in accordance with state and federal billing standards by conducting monitoring and auditing activities.

HIPAA Privacy and Security

The goal of the HIPAA Privacy and Security program is to promote the understanding of Ογ½ΆΦ±²₯'s responsibilities regarding the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 and to help to protect the privacy and security of our patients' health information. Here you can find HIPAA privacy and security related policies and procedures, approved forms, educational resources and FAQ's.

Conflict of Interest and Commitment

Conflict of interest and commitment can arise under many circumstances. The purpose of our Conflict of Interest and Commitment (COIC) program is to promote the understanding of the Conflict of Interest and Commitment Policy HSC OP 10.05 and to protect the ethical and civic responsibilities of Ογ½ΆΦ±²₯ and its mission. You can find more information about our annual training and disclosure module, and common COIC questions.

Immigration Compliance & Services

Immigration Compliance & Services (ICS) serves all Ογ½ΆΦ±²₯ campuses (Lubbock, Odessa/Midland [Permian Basi], Amarillo, Abilene, and Dallas). Our role is to file all of Ογ½ΆΦ±²₯-sponsored non-immigrant and immigrant visa petitions, provide employment immigration counseling, serve as the point of contact on immigration-related matters with federal and state agencies, and ensure I-9 & E-Verify compliance. With our focus on immigration, ICS works with institutional partners, such as Human Resources, International Admissions, International Tax, and Graduate Medical Education, to ensure employees transition smoothly into the Ογ½ΆΦ±²₯ community. Click here to find more information.

Jeanne Clery Campus Safety Act

The Clery Act is a consumer protection law that requires all colleges and universities receiving federal funding to share information about certain crimes which occur on and around campus, as well as institutional efforts to improve campus safety. This information is made publicly accessible through the Ογ½ΆΦ±²₯ Annual Security Report (ASR). The ASR is a valuable, informative tool to assist students, faculty, and staff in maintaining personal safety and security. 

Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act

The Drug Free Schools and Communities Act requires that institutions of higher education receiving federal funds or financial assistance must develop and implement a drug and alcohol abuse prevention program to prevent the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol by students and employees. Alcohol and drug abuse remain a significant problem in the United States, and Ογ½ΆΦ±²₯ continues to strongly promote an environment that discourages the inappropriate or illegal use of alcohol and other drugs. Ογ½ΆΦ±²₯ intends for its Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program to be part of a positive effort in alleviating alcohol abuse and other drug-related problems among members of the campus communities in all regional sites and components. 

Report a Compliance Issue or Concern      


  To report compliance issues or concerns,

                  submit an

 or call the Fraud and Misconduct Hotline at


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