SOM Faculty Governance Structure
SOM Faculty Committees
School of Medicine faculty are represented by various committees within the Faculty Council. Committee membership is open to those faculty who hold appointments of ≥0.50 FTE. Membership is conducted through elected and appointed processes as defined in SOM OP 20.05, Faculty Council Bylaws. The functions of these committees shall lie within the purview of the Faculty Council and the committees will be responsible to the Faculty Council and, through it, to the Dean.
There are 2 types of committees with faculty membership that can be defined according to the committee function:
- Educational committees responsible for the undergraduate medical education program
- Faculty committees responsible for administrative actions, research related actions, appointments, tenure and promotion, disciplinary actions
This page discusses faculty committees specifically. In the spring of each fiscal year, faculty may self-nominate to be put on the slate for the following faculty committees:
The FCEC shall act as a Committee on Committees. This responsibility shall include presenting a ballot to the faculty for election to the various committees of the Faculty Council as well as submitting names of faculty to the Dean for consideration for the Dean's committees.
Membership: The FCEC shall comprise eleven members in proportion to the respective numbers of Faculty Council members at each of the Regional Academic Health Centers. The respective number of representatives per campus shall be adjusted, if necessary, at the time of annual elections. Each campus shall have at least one representative. This committee shall administer the affairs of the Faculty Council and shall report regularly to the Faculty Council, which has supervisory and veto authority over the FCEC.
Meetings: The FCEC, and campus specific FEC, shall have regularly scheduled monthly meetings. Special meetings may be called upon the written request of five or more members of the FCEC. A quorum of one more than half the members of the FCEC is required in order to conduct business.
This committee is advisory to the SOM Dean, appointed to review and assess academic credentials and purposed rank for initial appointment of faculty, then approval of purposed rank and recommendation to the Dean. Regional campuses shall report their approval and recommendation to the Regional Deans who will then request the approved rank to the Dean.
Membership: Regional campus membership shall include six members for each respective campus, appointed by the Regional Dean. The Lubbock membership shall include 17 faculty appointed by the Dean.
Meetings: Meetings will be held bi-monthly, via in-person or by electronic means.
For more information on the Faculty Appointments process, please see SOM OP 20.01
The Tenure and Promotion Committee is advisory to the Dean of the School of Medicine in the matter of recommendations for promotion and/or tenure of faculty members.
Membership: The Tenure and Promotion Committee shall comprise 17 members, appointed by the Dean, who serve for four years in staggard terms. The Dean may appoint ad hoc members as needed due to the volume of applicants on a per year basis.
Leadership: The chair and chair-elect shall serve 2-year terms in each role.
Meetings: Initial meeting is held in early September and a full day to day-and-a-half deliberation is held in the fall. A majority of the required work for this committee is self paced during review of assigned candidates.
For more information about the tenure and promotion process, please visit our tenure and promotion webpage or review SOM OP 20.21.
This committee conducts the Periodic Review of Tenured Faculty, a process required as a result of legislation enacted by the Texas Legislature in 1997 and mandated under HSC OP 60.03. It calls for a comprehensive review of tenured faculty in the 5th year of the 6-year tenure cycle. The original guidelines for the process within the School of Medicine were drawn up by the Executive Committee in 2003 and approved by the Dean and President of Ï㽶ֱ²¥. The SOM Policy for the process are accessible at SOM OP 20.23. The focus as defined in the policy reads, “The purpose of comprehensive evaluation of faculty is to provide guidance for continuing and meaningful faculty professional development; to enhance professional skills and achieve professional goals; to demonstrate academic and professional efforts, when appropriate; to ascertain that faculty members are meeting their responsibilities to Ï㽶ֱ²¥ and the State of Texas; and to comply with Texas Education Code, §51.942, as amended or modified, and policies of the Board.â€
Membership: The Post-Tenure Peer Review Committee shall be composed of twelve (12) tenured faculty members drawn from all Regional Academic Centers and representation should be approximately proportional to the number of tenured faculty at each Center. Members are appointed prior to the beginning of the calendar year by the Faculty Council Executive Committee and will serve a three-year term. A list of appointments plus alternates will be made at the April meeting of the Faculty Council Executive Committee and finalized at the May meeting based on availability of appointees. Each regional campus will have representation on the Post-Tenure Peer Review Committee proportional to the number of tenured faculty eligible for evaluation, and the number of appointees from Basic and Clinical Science departments will be proportional to the relative distribution of tenured faculty. A Ph.D. in a Clinical Department and an M.D. in a Basic Science Department may be counted as either. Pathology will be considered a Clinical Department for these purposes.
Meetings: This committee meets initially each fiscal year in September either in person or virutally. Then, the committe may meet one additional time (in person or virtual) for voting. The majority of the required work for this committee is self paced during review of assignments.
This committee shall consider matters referred to it by the Dean, the Faculty or the Faculty Council Executive Committee, which have to do with the conduct and support of research in the school. These would include serving as a review panel for in-house grants and providing input on a) availability and funding of in-house grants, b) laboratory and office space availability for current and potential investigators, c) needs related to support current and future research efforts and d) operation of research support service such as the Animal Resource Center.
Membership: Seven (7) members from Lubbock and one (1) from each of the Regional Centers and ex officio representation from the Office of the Dean.
Meetings: This committee shall meet at least quarterly, via in person or virtually. Committee may meet up to monthly if grant proposal reviews are required.
The Hearing Committee is charged with conducting hearings for cases of non-renewal of contract and dismissal for cause/termination of appointment as described in HSC OP 60.03.
Membership: The Committee shall be composed of twelve associate or full professors who are preferably tenured to include six (6) from Lubbock and three (3) each from Amarillo and the Odessa, all elected to serve three-year terms with possible renewal. The Committee shall have a Chair and Chair-Elect. It shall meet at the beginning of each academic year to elect a new Chair-Elect and to review and orient new members on its charge and the procedures to be used in hearings. The Chair, or their designee, upon notice from the Dean, shall be responsible for assembling a hearing panel from among the committee members and naming a chair of the panel. The panel should have no less than five (5) members, including its chair. The panel members should not have any conflict of interest in the case and be acceptable to the faculty member and their Chair. Should there be difficulty in assembling a panel in a reasonable period of time, the Chair of the committee may name senior members of the School of Medicine Faculty to serve on the panel. The committee shall establish the procedures to be used during any hearings and make these available to all parties at the beginning of the process.
This committee is charged with seeking resolution of grievances not covered under HSC OP 60.03. The Faculty Grievance Committee shall be responsible for nominating members of mediation teams and shall serve as a pool of faculty members from which five-member Hearing Panels can be selected to hear grievance cases as described under the Faculty Grievance Policy (SOM OP 20.10). The Dean shall forward a list of his appointees to the Faculty Executive Committee prior to its meeting in September.
Membership: The Faculty Grievance Committee shall comprise fourteen members, associate or full professors who are preferably tenured, appointed at the beginning of each academic year. Half of the representation is appointed by the Dean and half is appointed by the Executive Committee. There will be representation from each Regional Campus, one appointed by the Dean and one appointed by the Faculty Council Executive Committee. Members will be appointed for a three-year term, which may be renewed. The Committee elects its own Chair and ChairElect.
This committee will review applications for Faculty Development Leaves of Absence according to standardized procedures described in HSCOP 60.02: Faculty Development Leave of Absence for Compensated Tenured Faculty.
Membership: Membership shall be comprised of five tenured faculty who shall be appointed by the Dean for 3-year staggard terms.
For more information, please utilize the links below:
HSC OP 60.02
HSC OP 60.02.A
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Office of Faculty Recruitment, Affairs & Development
(806) 743-3010